Scambiatore di calore piastre

High efficiency plate heat exchangers

Cipriani PHE is the leading Italian manufacturer of plate heat exchangers with gaskets, developed and made to measure to meet the needs of heat exchange.

Our products adapt to various fields of application:
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A plate heat exchanger, multiple fields of application

The dedicated design, combined with expert advice, guarantees the best service and the achievement of the highest performance for our plate heat exchangers. The goal is to share internal know-how with that of our customers, in order to achieve the highest levels of excellence and anticipate the needs of the market in each application.

  • 01. HVAC

    The HVAC sector, which stands for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning, deals with managing environmental comfort in buildings. Tailor Made approach, long experience in the sector and maximum product quality, this is HVAC according to Cipriani PHE.

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    HVAC impianti ventilazione
  • 02. District heating and cooling

    District heating and cooling networks are centralised systems that provide heating and cooling of buildings through a network of underground pipes. Cipriani PHE offers its experience, design and reliability.

    Find out more
    Impianto teleriscaldaamento
  • 03. Renewable energy and heat recovery

    The heat exchanger plays a crucial role in both renewable energy and heat recovery, contributing significantly to energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.

    Find out more
    Pannelli solari per recupero termico
  • 04. Generators and cogeneration

    The generators are used as an emergency power supply in the absence of the power grid or voltage drops. The modularity that characterises Cipriani PHE plate heat exchangers applies well to these systems where there is a need to place the heat exchanger in contained spaces with very compact product solutions.

    Find out more
    Gruppi elettrogeni e cogenerazione
  • 05. Fluids and services industry

    The fluids and services industry includes a large sector that deals with the management, treatment and transfer of various fluids. Cipriani PHE provides the online calculation software PHE Manager to insert your personalised fluid.

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    Industria dei fluidi e dei servizi
  • 06. Metallurgical and automotive industry

    The metallurgical industry is a fundamental industrial sector that deals with the extraction, processing and production of metals and metal alloys. Cipriani PHE exchangers offer optimised product configurations to achieve the high performance levels required in these application sectors.

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    Industria metallurgica
  • 07. Industrial cooling

    Industrial cooling is a process used to reduce and control the temperature of machinery, processes and materials within industrial contexts. Among the various types of heat exchangers, plate heat exchangers are efficient and compact, ideal for limited spaces where a high heat exchange is required in a small space.

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    Raffreddamento industriale 2
  • 08. Data centers and IT industries

    In recent years, data centers and the IT industry have seen rapid development, driven by the explosion of digital data and the growing need for processing and storage capabilities. Cipriani PHE plate heat exchangers play a fundamental role in maintaining the reliability and efficiency of operations.

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    Data center e industrie it
  • 09. Hydraulic and marine industry

    The hydraulic and marine industry deals with the development, production and use of hydraulic and pneumatic systems, which are fundamental for numerous industrial sectors and maritime applications. Cipriani PHE heat exchangers manage the temperature of the various hydraulic systems and on board ships.

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    Industria oleodinamica e marina
  • 10. Food and beverage

    The food and beverage (F&B) industry includes all stages of production, processing, packaging, distribution and sale of food and beverages. Heat exchangers allow the transfer of heat between two fluids without mixing, facilitating operations such as heating, cooling, pasteurisation and sterilisation.

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    Food and beverage
  • 11. Chemical industry

    The chemical industry is a crucial sector of the global economy that deals with the production and processing of chemicals to create essential products for numerous other industrial sectors. Cipriani PHE heat exchangers are essential to control the temperature during chemical reactions and separation processes.

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    Industria chimica
    heat exchanger

    Thermal Excellence: The Secret to Our High-Performance Inspectable Plate Heat Exchangers

    Cipriani PHE plate heat exchangers guarantee high heat exchange efficiency thanks to technical innovation and production quality. The goal is to provide our customers with a reliable product with high quality standards that perfectly suits every need.

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    Groupage scambiatori calore
    Logo cipriani scambiatore
    who we are

    Cipriani PHE, quality in every detail

    Since 1987, we have been developing and producing our plate heat exchangers that can be inspected exclusively in Italy, without exception. It is our identity and our way of controlling the entire supply chain, guaranteeing high levels of customisation and a product beyond the standard.
    This philosophy and this way of being allow us to constantly improve in every detail, creating the added value that makes a heat exchanger a Cipriani product.

    Find out more about us
    9,000 +
    heat exchangers made annually
    150,000 +
    plates produced annually
    OTIF (deliveries without complaints of time or quality)
    countries where we are present
    digital services

    A world of services for our customers

    We are at the customer's side from the pre-selection phase to the after-sales service thanks to our digital tools.

    PHE Manager logo
    PHE Manager
    Configure your heat exchanger yourself. It is the philosophy of Tailor Made Cipriani, expressed in an intuitive and complete tool.
    PHExpress logo
    Buy your heat exchanger and spare parts online in a few simple steps. PHExpress is the new range of products with guaranteed departure within 24 hours of the order.
    My PHE logo
    My PHE
    Request assistance and original spare parts for your heat exchanger quickly and easily. Our team of experts will assist you.